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Turecko - Belek, únor 2012 - fotoreportáž

Premiérovì se naše soutìž pøedstavila v Turecku. Jednalo se opìt o vydaøený výlet v rámci mezinárodních cest MEN TOUR. I poèasí zaèátkem února jsme mìli neskuteèné.
<div align="center">Aèkoliv se jedná v Èesku o velmi populární golfovou destinaci pro jarní a podzimní hru, tak i pøes to jsme v Turecku do konce roku 2011 ještì nikdy nebyli. Tedy Turecko premiérovì až v roce 2012, a po Tenerife a Mallorce se jedná teprve o tøetí zimní destinaci MEN TOUR. <br /> <br /> <img height="484" width="860" alt="" src="/images/f0398500254b2beadd26808ee6bf7d74" /><br /> díky termínu na zaèátku února jsme neèekali žádné extra skvìlé poèasí, byli jsme upozornìni na èastý d隝 a teplotou pod 10 st. C. Nic z toho se nekonalo. Poèasí nám ten týden vyšlo exkluzivnì a deštík nám jen jeden den zpozdil start. Možná náhoda, ale vyšlo to krásnì. Musíme pøiznat, že týden pøed námi a týden po nás se již v Beleku prohánìlo zcela jiné poèasí, kterému by se nedalo nijak závidìt. tedy pøíští rok rozhodnì turnajovou sérii v Beleku opakujeme, jen v trochu rozumnìjší èas.&#160; <br /> <img height="429" width="862" alt="" src="/images/d338256e82e57227c5c08685391426b0" /><br /> poslední veèerní jamky už byly na dlouhý rukáv<br /> <img height="494" width="863" alt="" src="/images/b222b67b91f954390ed93900db88e500" /><br /> scenérie jasnì zobrazující design høištì Pines, které jsme hráli nejèastìji<br /> <img height="426" width="860" alt="" src="/images/fe6ad402095c7bf797c0f71638854e16" /><br /> v pozadí hotel, který byl skvìle umístìn mezi dvìma resorty a pøímo u obrovské putting a chiping area + 300 metrù dlouhý driving<br /> <img height="540" width="867" alt="" src="/images/c8ad6aefa0cb8dc51c04ba6f829dd5ba" /><br /> unlimited golf byl nároèný, trénink stál za to....<br /> <img height="547" width="410" alt="" src="/images/17807c5451de99825d45c6f8eeabe8d1" /><br /> dominanta jedné z jamek Pines<br /> <img height="545" width="758" alt="" src="/images/67c7372350cf1f69f61b0c8d0c129204" /><br /> od hotelu na pláž to bylo jen pár metrù, pøesto jen málo z nás opustilo prostory hotelu a høištì...<br /> <br /> <img height="599" width="482" src="/images/ab72cc81e954a7600529ad73b4635462" alt="" /><br /> <br /> <img height="500" width="864" alt="" src="/images/0decfe90adab9d8b62622b9a383b4d0d" /><br /> v listopadu nás tady èeká krásné prodloužení naší turnajové sezony MEN TOUR, 20 st. C. pøedem zajištìno<br /> <img height="492" width="864" alt="" src="/images/0f05a0213f6a668e33645313139e6aa1" /><br /> <br /> <img height="443" width="858" src="/images/6e935c47d7863ab30e8019fe2087a79c" alt="" /><br /> <br /> <img height="522" width="860" alt="" src="/images/7ffca818e58907f55be65a0c68fe77be" /><br /> <br /> <img height="420" width="858" src="/images/9ab8ef8e4699b9020568835f2147e980" alt="" /><br /> <br /> <img height="198" width="307" alt="" src="/images/20e200d6a1db5de26e2a317ce8388b2f" /><br /> <br /> <img height="387" width="572" alt="" src="/images/8d1f056c4da0472d395bad39682a0481" /><br /> <br /> <img height="462" width="858" alt="" src="/images/dd8ed299517f6ddfb2428a5d1f57a5c2" /><br /> <br /> <img height="394" width="552" alt="" src="/images/5c6e481fc150c60197227d4f3e1b77f4" /><br /> Pavel puttuje do birdie<br /> <img height="501" width="858" alt="" src="/images/1c567614de9007a66312944ba215e009" /><br /> <br /> <img height="537" width="864" src="/images/93b493e44934193ef786e11257f43f51" alt="" /><br /> <br /> <img height="435" width="566" alt="" src="/images/b4b8f591509e4c2fc345e5cf32a6970f" /><br /> <br /> <img height="508" width="858" src="/images/1681d3b39efbaba00ddeaf7425d1058a" alt="" /><br /> <br /> <img height="528" width="865" alt="" src="/images/d50e9d47f64a01fb438617849f9eab71" /><br /> <br /> <img height="525" width="394" src="/images/e4d932efba48c43e3498ff870a832b41" alt="" /><br /> <br /> <img height="419" width="580" alt="" src="/images/2f0503e648f92117bd21182edc688ac0" /><br /> <br /> <img height="198" width="307" alt="" src="/images/f83a2814870a991ecf863cb965795d4c" /><br /> <br /> <img height="525" width="394" src="/images/66de4512d4de987c534395ad892eecf5" alt="" /><br /> <br /> <img height="612" width="864" alt="" src="/images/5615cda3b44965bfeb59383466315702" /><br /> <br /> <img height="466" width="858" src="/images/5323d5c3c4eac1f647f9f7d7a64a71f5" alt="" /><br /> <br /> <img height="539" width="583" alt="" src="/images/18aa8ca5f5f4653d92c35618d9b174ef" /><br /> <br /> <img height="525" width="394" src="/images/21d5281fb664d2688b4e29e72c27d83c" alt="" /><br /> <br /> <img height="380" width="559" alt="" src="/images/54a8206f36e83d274c6f9196ea6e0805" /><br /> <br /> <img height="497" width="861" alt="" src="/images/a492cb01230a86123e6b19ea21fe22dd" /><br /> <br /> <img height="570" width="858" src="/images/cbaea1e9aa5b779aa7f9d75fb195bd38" alt="" /><br /> <br /> <img height="198" width="307" alt="" src="/images/5adf8288a0ba2fec20a417e7dd0a589f" /><br /> <br /> <img height="464" width="564" alt="" src="/images/2c28d8cea3cd8f784d66f5ec1cf4ae60" /><br /> <br /> <img height="644" width="858" src="/images/467bd0bf5eb13d7331b5fbe2bcf4991c" alt="" /><br /> <br /> <img height="380" width="559" alt="" src="/images/3cb24c4cec9e3c373e577f8c454fcb90" /><br /> <br /> <img height="372" width="566" alt="" src="/images/fde54acd8b7fefdaf1190d5902d5b236" /><br /> <br /> <img height="373" width="579" alt="" src="/images/b81c69101999e833458e802cac5dc04a" /><br /> <br /> <img height="496" width="574" alt="" src="/images/8c3d11ae271a4ebbdf30eff07a83b1eb" /><br /> <br /> <img height="198" width="307" alt="" src="/images/a591756e0ff14487909ebfbe0ed7ddec" /><br /> <br /> <img height="520" width="390" src="/images/8aebf5e732fa8374ba3f616d67d1edc5" alt="" /><br /> <br /> <img height="500" width="858" src="/images/6bdb54a4c3a0dbe8ea818bd00b08d8d5" alt="" /><br /> </div>
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